Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Out on the Western Front

Western themed park, anyway.

Ry and I haven't really taken anything worthwhile recently, well, let alone recently to warrant a post, so sorry for the delay.  We went out to Coppell Nature Park on Monday and finally got some shots in.  Some not too half bad, either.
Ryan was playing with the 40mm pancake lens with great results. He got a lot of great crisp shots.  I'll let him post those when he gets around to it. 
Per usual, I took a retarded amount of pictures and ended up with a small handful that I really liked, but that's normal for me and I think I end up with more good ones this way then if I were to always wait for the best shot.

I wish this came out better

This one was a little more out of focus than I'd have liked.

I really liked this one. 

Neat plants.

Neat weather vane.  I took a few more of this, too.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Portrait Work

Elyce and I went to Addisson, TX to work on some portraits with her Canon T3i.  We were both shooting with the same gear.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Elyce here:
A few trail markers were a little interesting.  A few came out ok and a couple were a bit out of focus. So. Snarl. 

Such a weird and lonely little fire hydrant in the middle of the woods off the park.